Friends Gadget Question
Karl Rhoads
2007-07-03 15:55:42 UTC
Hey everyone! Hope you all are getting along well.

Today my question regards the FRIENDS gadget...

It seems that we can only enter up to 10 entries (links) in the Friends
gadget. Is there a way to increase this to more than 10?

Thank you,

Tell everyone to love each other and to share.
A Life In Christ - www.alifeinchrist.com
Every Knee Home Ministry - www.everyknee.info
Focused and Free - www.focusedandfree.com
Pablo Fischer
2007-07-03 16:45:34 UTC
Hey Karl,
Post by Karl Rhoads
It seems that we can only enter up to 10 entries (links) in the Friends
gadget. Is there a way to increase this to more than 10?
Err.. that's wrong, look up to the datagrid and you will see a little
pager (previous and next links), click on these links so you can browser
the other entries.

Pablo Fischer Sandoval (pablo [arroba/at] pablo.com.mx)
Cel: (044-55) 2689-6351
Fingerprint: 5973 0F10 543F 54AE 1E41 EC81 0840 A10A 74A4 E5C0
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