Jaws 0.8.12 released
Ali Fazelzadeh
2010-04-09 18:38:29 UTC
Hi all,

Team Jaws announces the release of Jaws 0.8.12, changes since 0.8.11 are:

<li>Added new method hashing for storing password in database</li>
<li>Added two new security features to Jaws session</li>
<li>Fixed generation captcha in 64bit operation systems</li>
<li>Fixed some issue in Blog gadget feeds</li>
<li>Fixed sending message via Chatbox gadget</li>
<li>Fixed bug in VisitCounter when using SQLite as database driver</li>
<li>Fixed bug in PostgreSQL driver while trying to store blob field</li>
<li>Updated Finnish translation</li>
<li>and other minor bug fixes</li>

<li>PHP >= 4.3.6</li>
<li>MySQL >= 4.1</li>
<li>Postgresql >= 7.4</li>
<li>Oracle >= 8.0</li>
<li>MSSQL >= 8.0</li>
<li>Firebird >= 1.5</li>
<li>Interbase >= 6.0</li>
<li>SQLite >= 2.8</li>
<li>Apache 1.3, Apache 2, Cherokee >> 0.4.29 (under fcgi) and IIS</li>

To download the package(s) <a href="http://www.jaws-project.com/page/download">just click here!</a>.

<strong>Thanks for all of you who reported bugs!</strong>

Ali Fazelzadeh
Jaws Project Team
