Jaws 0.8.6 released
Ali Fazelzadeh
2008-11-08 21:56:25 UTC
Hi all,

We are releasing Jaws 0.8.6, changes since 0.8.5:
<li>Improve UrlMapper for support custom url maps</li>
<li>Add registry key for precedence custom map than original</li>
<li>Add/Update/Remove maps via Shout/Listener mechanism</li>
<li>Add notify comment adding to blog by sending an email to post author and website owner</li>
<li>Add notify comment adding to photo by sending an email to website owner</li>
<li>Add notify message adding to chatbox by sending an email to website owner</li>
<li>Add paging to blog author's posts</li>
<li>Add paging to blog category posts</li>
<li>Add a new ACL key to blog for publishing ability</li>
<li>Add photos ordering type</li>
<li>Enhance ViewImage.html and ViewAlbumPage.html templates in photo gallery gadget</li>
<li>Enhance Archive.html template in blog gadget</li>
<li>Update libraries(PEAR packages, tinyMCE, prototype, ...)</li>
<li>Add a new theme: coolwater</li>
<li>Fix mixing user groups permisions</li>
<li>Fix some issue in safe-mode</li>
<li>Fix FileBrowser search</li>
<li>Fix url in FileBrowser search result</li>
<li>Fix check default permission in some gadgets(Phoo, Contact, RssReader...)</li>
<li>Fix double break line tag in SyntaxHighlight plugin</li>
<li>Extend session simple message for fix some issue</li>
<li>Fix issue in RSA crypt</li>
<li>Fix upgrade issue for Menu, FileBrowser, Glossary for old branch version</li>
<li>and many <a href="http://dev.jaws-project.com/query?status=closed&milestone=0.8.6&order=priority">more</a> enhancement and bug fixes</li>

<li>PHP >= 4.3.6</li>
<li>MySQL >= 4.1</li>
<li>Postgresql >= 7.4</li>
<li>Oracle >= 8.0</li>
<li>MSSQL >= 8.0</li>
<li>Firebird >= 1.5</li>
<li>Interbase >= 6.0</li>
<li>SQLite >= 2.8</li>
<li>Apache 1.3, Apache 2, Cherokee >> 0.4.29 (under fcgi) and IIS</li>


To download the package(s) <a href="http://www.jaws-project.com/page/download">just click here!</a>.

<strong>Thanks for all of you who reported bugs!</strong>

Ali Fazelzadeh
Jaws Project Team
